As summer arrives, the temptation to soak up the sun and indulge in a poolside retreat becomes irresistible. However, the prospect of enjoying moments in a swimming pool may be dampened by the arrival of your menstrual period. The good news is, despite this inconvenience, there’s a compelling reason to take the plunge – literally.

You see, when you immerse yourself in swimming, your body releases endorphins. These natural feel-good hormones don’t just enhance your mood; they also act as natural painkillers for menstrual cramps. So, while the initial reluctance due to your period is understandable, the potential benefits of the body releasing endorphins during aquatic exercise could turn your poolside experience into a refreshing and pain-relieving getaway this summer.

So, let’s dive in and discover: Can you go swimming on your period and where to buy period swimwear in stores.

Will I Bleed in the Pool if I Swim on My Period?

When it comes to swimming during your period, the common concern is whether you’ll experience any unwanted leaks in the pool. The good news is that, with the right menstrual products, the chances of bleeding in the water are quite low. Tampons and menstrual cups are designed to provide effective protection by containing menstrual flow and preventing any leaks while swimming. Using these products, you can enjoy the swimming pools without worrying about leaving a bloody trail.

So, should you use a menstrual cup or a tampon? It depends on personal preference. 

Tampons are a popular choice for swimmers, as they are inserted into the vagina to absorb period blood. When properly inserted, they stay securely in place, allowing you to move freely in the water. Similarly, menstrual cups, made from medical-grade silicone or rubber, create a seal inside the vagina, collecting menstrual blood without any risk of leakage. Both options provide a discreet and reliable solution, ensuring you can confidently swim on your period without the fear of bleeding in the pool.

period products, period swimwear, menstrual cup

Can You Go Swimming on Your Period Without a Tampon?

Swimming on your period without a tampon is entirely possible, although it may require some additional considerations. If you prefer not to use tampons or other internal menstrual products to collect blood, you can opt for external period products like menstrual pads designed for water use. These pads are specially designed to be water-resistant and can provide a layer of protection against leaks while swimming.

However, it’s essential to remember that external protection may not be as secure as internal options, and water is more likely to enter the pad. To mitigate this, choose a high-quality, water-resistant pad and adjust it before entering the water. Additionally, wearing a dark-coloured swimsuit can help conceal any potential staining.

period products, period swimwear, menstrual cup

Can I Wear a Pad While Swimming?

Wearing a pad while swimming is possible with specially designed water-resistant pads.

These pads are designed to repel water, providing a layer of protection against leaks while you’re in the pool. It’s important to choose a high-quality, water-resistant pad and ensure it is securely positioned before entering the water. Keep in mind that while this option offers external protection, it may not be as secure as internal options like tampons or menstrual cups. To enhance your comfort and confidence, consider experimenting with different period products to find the solution that best suits your preferences, allowing you to swim worry-free during your period.

swimming pools, attract sharks, swim on your period

Can You Wear Period Undies Swimming?

Wearing period underwear while swimming is possible, thanks to the emergence of period-proof swimwear. These innovative swimsuits are designed with built-in absorbent layers that function similarly to period underwear, providing reliable protection against leaks in the water. Period swimwear is water-resistant, ensuring it remains effective even when submerged.

These specialised swimsuits offer a convenient and discreet option for those who prefer not to use a tampon or menstrual cup in the swimming pool. The absorbent technology within the swimwear helps to manage bodily fluids, allowing you to enjoy the pool or beach confidently. To make the most of your swim without compromising comfort, consider exploring the variety of period-proof swimwear options available in the market, offering a stylish and functional solution for swimming during your period.

What Do Swimmers Wear During Periods?

The question on everyone’s mind: What do swimmers wear during periods? Well, there are a few options to stay comfortable in the water. Many swimmers choose tampons or menstrual cups. Some professional swimmers may even use the pill to skip their period altogether if it aligns with big events.

water pressure, menstrual cup use, shark attacks

What Is the Best Option for Swimming on Your Period?

When swimming during your menstrual cycle, finding the best option is key to ensuring a comfortable and worry-free experience. Choosing between tampons, menstrual cups, period-proof swimwear, or water-resistant pads depends on personal preferences and comfort levels.


A popular choice for many swimmers, tampons are inserted internally to absorb menstrual flow, allowing for comfortable movement in the water.

Menstrual Cups

Similar to tampons, menstrual cups are inserted internally and create a seal, collecting menstrual blood. They offer a reusable and eco-friendly option.

Period-Proof Swimwear

Specially designed swimsuits with built-in absorbent layers to prevent leaks. It is a convenient and discreet choice for those who prefer external protection.

Water-Resistant Pads

Some individuals choose water-resistant pads designed for swimming. While not as common, they can provide external protection without needing internal products.

Ultimately, the best option depends on personal preference, comfort, and the level of protection desired while swimming on your period. If you’re someone who experiences a heavy flow, there are ways to make your period lighter and more manageable.

Where To Buy Period Swimwear in Stores

Finding period swimwear in physical stores can be a bit challenging, and availability may vary by location. However, you may find period swimwear in some specialty stores, lingerie shops, or stores that focus on women’s health and wellness products. It’s also worth checking out popular retail chains and department stores.

For where to buy period swimwear in stores in Australia, you can try the following:

  • Specialty Stores: Look for stores that specialise in women’s activewear, lingerie, or health and wellness. Some specialty stores may carry period swimwear or similar products.
  • Department Stores: Check with major department stores, as they often carry a variety of women’s swimwear and may have options for period swimwear.
  • Sporting Goods Stores: Stores that sell sports and outdoor gear may have specialised swimwear for different activities, including options suitable for menstruation.
  • Online Retailers: While you’re looking for physical stores, consider online retailers based in Australia. Many brands offer a wide range of period swimwear options online, and they may ship to your location.
  • Local Boutiques: Explore local boutiques that focus on women’s clothing, swimwear, or activewear. They might carry unique products that you may not find in larger chain stores.
  • Pharmacies and Health Stores: Some pharmacies or health and wellness stores may carry period swimwear or similar products, especially those emphasising women’s health.
  • Contact Brands Directly: If you have specific brands in mind, check their official websites or contact them directly to inquire about the availability of their products in local stores.

Remember that product availability and store offerings can change, so it’s a good idea to call ahead and enquire about the availability of period swimwear in specific stores. Additionally, consider checking online marketplaces or the official websites of period swimwear brands, as they often provide information on where to find their products.